or the Importance of Philosophy for everything we do,
– right Here & Now !
– Greek (philosophia)= love of wisdom
“…Philosophy is critical reflection and inquiry… to create meaning and purpose.
Always remembering, there is as many such meanings and purposes
as there are people to pursue them.…” AC Grayling
Caveat lector: There are at least two ways of reading these pages. They may be read as a ‘self-contained’ introduction
to a thought, idea or theory, or – alternatively & preferably – can be taken as a ‘hub page‘ into the subject matter.
One may regard them as a vade mecum that goes hand-in-hand with other publications here & beyond that may be
consulted for further analysis or explanations, and/or use the words as vertexes or nodes of a much larger network
of ideas, ultimately leading into the realm of collective consciousness. (Indra’s Net) In order to accommodate this
second approach I keep the level of ‘redundancy’ higher than absolutely necessary. So the attentive reader should not
be annoyed by these repetitions or reiterations, they are in fact intended reflections of the contextual environment.
This is contemplative writing for the mindful reader, so please take your time and try to ‘think more slowly’.
The sometimes very abstract thematic requires a more metaphorical language with peripheral words & images.
This layout allows not only ‘mental breaks’ but also eases the navigation should the reader choose to leave the page or
paragraph and return to it later. As in all my writings, the reader can choose where to begin, end or deviate …
… because eventually, everything will fall into its place anyway.
A Foreword
I consider the observations on ‘Philosophy’ to be a very important part of my endeavor here.
Psychology & Philosophy are pivotal points, strong bearings for our ‘Compass in Chaos’,
– key elements in solutions for the future, – gateways to sustainability & abundance of life.
My attempt to share some of these, in essence very different & complex ideas of nonlinear thinking,
also requires a different approach in the way of communicating these issues.
In order to reach-out to a wider spectrum of people, with all kinds of mental pre-conditioning,
my writings have to be simple & clear but without getting simplistic.
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
When the solution is simple, God is answering.” Einstein
The urgency of the matter makes it absolutely necessary to share & discuss some of these new
ideas of ‘Integral Theory’ – A New Integral Paradigm & Ecopsychology.
To make this understandable we have to become more sensitive and activate & integrate as many
different levels of consciousness or awareness as possible. Here is a new script for a truly wholistic
Philosophy of Change, a recipe for sustainability, something that also ‘makes sense’ in the context
of applied social-economics. In this sense, here you can find the ‘translation’ of organic processes
& patterns into working concepts & applications…
– for future ventures of any kind. Here I am tying together some loose ends, making the
connections, weaving a network for a tapestry of simple, natural patterns. Spider web network
This is a comprehensive & multidimensional layout for
a non-linear,permeable & fluid ‘Philosophy in Motion’,
the paradigm shift we so desperately need.
True Stability is Constant Motion;
The patterns of eternal life,
create a sustainable flow of energy.
this site wants to show : – how we got off-balance with our ‘Self’, and tangled-up with the
Entanglements of Life. – how we manipulated & discriminated our Social-Emotional Intelligence
by imposing a Law & Order of entitlements & appropriation. – how we restricted the flow & motion
of body, mind & spirit with the philosophies of a monoculture. – how we got into disharmony with
our environment by preaching beliefs of hierarchy & dominance; – how we disconnected ourselves
from eternal Life by building mental & physical barricades.
Here I explain how you & me can overcome these handicaps by braking down these walls & fences
of mental & physical addiction & enslavement.
It is easier than you think to find the balance & harmony we need, and to begin the healing process,
– the paradigm shift into Real Insight & Education, True Economics & ‘Green’ Technology.
Since an access point, a pivotal connection to this idea can be found anywhere & anytime,
the cross-links have to be woven like a spider-net-work with your – 3I’s of
– the detail leads to the complex, as the complex leads to the detail !
My use of Allegories & Metaphors should stimulate the 3I’s of the reader. Highlighted quotes,
phrases & slogans should encourage thinking & contemplating about their contents & meaning…
– Same with pictures & video clips!
I believe that the nature of a truly wHolistic approach has to be simple and easily understandable
to everybody. Because of their discriminating & hierarchic nature, I try to avoid the complicated
esoteric mumbo-jumbo normally associated with such matters, and I dismiss any highly academic
language or intellectual rhetoric as discriminating!
– Elitism & opportunism are the common results, hiding their true motivation,
– the commercialized distribution of knowledge & skills.
Because of the ‘depth’ and the fundamental substance of these issues, I like to give clear,
linguistic definitions on Wikipedia and via other hyperlinks. In regards to the multicultural,
global & timeless relevance of these pages, I like to overcome & erase mental & physical barriers,
combine rather than divide, cooperate & share rather than compete & exploit.
I am trying to address not only ‘the left and the right side’, but all layers, sides & angles of the brain,
equally stimulating emotions & rationality in order to balance & harmonize the human condition,
– Your multisensory experience of being here & now in a social, cultural, & personal context.
Please do not look for answers or ‘solutions‘ here !
The answers are between the lines, behind the words, beyond the pages… in You and out there!
We had enough rules & regulations in political ideologies & doctrines, enough restrictions &
limitations in religious dogmas and philosophies… But this is our past, the history we can learn from;
– not so much from historic events or cultural celebrities as from the ideas behind all this.
There is no room for ‘Solutions-in-a-Box’ anymore !
But there are ‘Solutions-in-Progress’, a ‘Philosophy-in-the-Making’
a response to our Quest 4 Belonging, – the Belonging IN & TO Creation.
I think, a century into relativity, quantum-mechanics & ecopsychology,
it is time to change & adapt our general way of thinking to a more mature way of life.
Please open your mind & heart, and be aware that this is not for educated minds only,
but for all the mature & ripe people out there, pursuing meaning & purpose in their life.
On these pages you can find answers to the fundamental, philosophic question
of ‘Free Will or Choice; – realizing and excepting the fact that we, as individuals,
can choose freely to belong to our environment, the Creation-in-Total, and to be a part
of the whole Process-of-Life itself. Our longing for happiness & bliss can only be satisfied
in conjunction, connection & cooperation with- and within our collective environment’.
Ecology, – OUR study of organic relationships, and Economy,
– OUR management of these relationships, as well as Psychology, are a vital & interactive part of…
– the philosophic ‘Solutions-on-the-go’.
A Network of constant communication, sensitive response and careful cooperation
with OUR environment makes us true co-creators of harmony & balance in life…
– this eternal Motion IS the Sustainability we are looking for !
Thoreau once wrote:
“To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school…
It is to solve some of the problems of life, not theoretically, but practically.”
– is our general quest for purpose, reason & meaning
the Hagia Sophia, the Wisdom of the Greeks should
not be underestimated. The Holy Sophia or the
Holy Spirit of Christianity has always played a major
role in our personal lives and has influenced our
collective-consciousness & subconsciousness substantially.
Since the dawn of human consciousness, SHE is
fundamental to everything we do, from science,
technology & commerce to politics, health & education…
– The spirit of Humanity !
Philosophy and the Sense of Wisdom
Philosophy is at the core of all conscious thinking, a part of the digestive systems of the mind.
Without Philosophy, a format of thoughts and linguistic concepts, the mind can not develop
a ‘Sense of Wisdom’, the sensitivities it needs to be aware & apprehend.
Without Philosophy, there is no Consciousness !
Philosophy is considered to be a rational, logical & systematic approach to the fundamental
issues of life. Philosophy synthesizes & translates the essence of collected knowledge
and assembled wisdom into a comprehensive format, transforms it into a meaningful process
and creates a contemporary concept which ‘makes sense’:
– in the context of responsibility & relationship,
– in regards to circumstances & environment.
Looking at the challenges of today, new circumstances & environmental issues require
a fundamentally new relationship to life and a completely new response to everything.
We need a completely new philosophic approach, a Philosophy that follows the
natural & organic patterns of balance & harmony with digestive solutions that constantly
relate & adapt to the dynamic energy of life.
– A Philosophy of Life in Motion!
What is a SOLUTION ?
A Solution implicates – a dissolution or dissolvement of components into a liquid state.
Consequently, Real Solutions for today can not be solid, rigid or static in any way or form,
they are not formulas limited to a box or can, not equations with a final result or a theory as in:
– ‘a fact-finding work in progress’. No, a Solution is like a healing process, taking all theories,
formulas & knowledge into consideration, mixing it with Imagination, Intuition & Inspiration
and putting it to work, using our ‘Sense of Wisdom’ in the Chaos of Here and Now.
Using our Imagination… – like the natural patterns of
running water or a burning flame, Solutions have to
be liquid, shapeless and in-motion to fuel & energize
our future philosophies, to ignite our ‘Love for Wisdom‘
with life.
Science & technology can send rockets to space and burn
themselves out’, but Imagination is free to ‘reach for
the stars’ at all times, with no limitations and pure joy.
Listening to our Inspirations… – coming from within and
not thru propaganda or intelligent marketing schemes,
driven by ideas of possessions. A 6000-year-old philosophy
of ultimate control thru Law & Order, trying to enslave us
with debt & addictions.
Inspiration is the power, our ‘rocket fuel’ taking
our Imagination to the next level, the creativity to co-creation.
Following our Intuitions… – our instinct, our natural guidance system
is calibrated to harmonize & balance our lives with our environment.
Our Intuition has to be set-free and reconnected with the spiritual world,
our collective subconsciousness, our brothers & sisters in Nature.
Emotional Consciousness & Knowledge are
needed to make the shift from a fight for
survival to a way of living in Harmony & Balance !
The Process…
– from a scientific discipline of stagnation to a Philosophy of Life in Motion
Don’t misunderstand, ‘learning from mistakes’ is part of the process of experience and therefore
absolutely necessary for stability & continuation, the sustainability we are all longing for.
Call it an ‘experiment’, the linear, hierarchic & chauvinistic Philosophies of our current civilization
has arrived at the End of their own visions & prophecies. The simple reason for that is a
underlying philosophy of separation, limitation & restriction, with constant affirmations of
entitlements & possessions. Running around in 2-dimensional circles, reinventing the linear
hierarchic order of dualism & causality; Same old ideas just painted with new colors,
ecology dressed-up in ‘green’ camouflage… over & over again.
On a ‘one-way’ street of differentiation & distinction, we finally ended-up at a ‘Dead-End’ of
segregation & discrimination. Consequently the ‘values’ of Right & Wrong, Good & Bad ended-up
in a Law & Order system that was simply designed to deal with the entitlement & distribution
of possessions. The vocabulary ranges from Beginning & End, Reward & Punishment,
Growth & Success to Collapse & Failure, all describing Polarization & Duality,
the main characteristic of a Linear Paradigm.
Back in time, when men developed rules of systematic order with Evaluation, Differentiation &
Comparison between the measurements of time, distance & weight, these new skills & knowledge
had to be brought into a logical context & relationship with the spirituality of their time.
Purely materialistic ambitions had to be justified with ‘natural’ laws of a divine Order.
These laws, now ‘written in stone’, imprison our minds with dogmas & doctrines.
Philosophy became a static discipline of science, now preaching & teaching the Gospel
of Possessions and all the other Ideologies of growth & expansion.
Now history is full of lessons about misinterpretations & misunderstandings of natural
patterns & phenomenons. Many theories, beliefs & philosophies have been proven wrong at
a later stage and under different circumstances. After a closer look, mainly by scientific research,
views had to be revised, rules had to be changed, and laws had to be corrected. Natural,
respectful curiosity turned into self-confident, arrogant scientific research, and pretty soon got
into conflicts with religious authorities and their control mechanism. Open war broke out
between Heresy & Inquisition, Creation vs. Evolution… But as in any natural pattern,
both sides influenced, undermined & infiltrated each other until we arrived at a more
homogeneous solution, the belief in the ‘science of economics’
Today the Law & Order of a ‘Free Market Economy’ dominates the globe,
a cancerous belief system which eats-up its devotees and their habitat,
where the paraphiliacs of society have to go to war to defend their
beliefs in Peace, Freedom & Democracy;
– the Philosophy of complete Sickos.
A long time ago a logic, rational thinking method helped to transform nomadic hunters & gatherers
into food-producing agricultural societies. The great spiritual & physical accomplishments of this
‘linear thinking’ got more complex as farmers & herders needed new systems of organizing & governing
their new, rapidly growing, societies. Reflecting these new logistic needs and all the social-political
problematic associated with it, a pure & simple spirituality had to be transformed & solidified with
a philosophy of law & order, the monotheistic religion of Abraham & Moses:
– the Religion of Property !
Now this 8,000-year-old paradigm of monotheism & monoculture became
the dominant Philosophy on Earth, our monopoly of Globalization,
with a monotony of a Dessert.
The dilemma started when we took some of these new skills, accomplishments
and ‘scientific’ revelations, turned them into static concepts and characterized
them as the Real Truth – ‘Nothing but the Truth’ with no changes,
movements or future developments built-in…
–‘St. Peter the Rock T
These rudimental skills of logic analyses & rationalization came like an awakening to the human
mind and had to be brought in context and systematic order with the spiritual world of their time.
The discovery & ‘understanding’ of, so-called, ‘Natural Laws’, and the ability to scale,
measure & predict outcomes was a powerful and very useful revelation to our ancestors.
This all came like a ‘Divine Gift’ from the ‘Heavens above’. These new gained mental skills
became now very valuable intellectual possessions and had to be preserved & inherited
to future generations.
Written in stone, this new monotheistic, hierarchic world-order
of Possessions & Domination was handed-down as a perfectly ‘logic’ system,
a complete concept, a linear paradigm locked in a ‘golden Box’…
– a ‘divine confirmation’ for a few privileged, a religion for the rest of us.
a powerful social engineering tool to create anthropocentric societies.
Purely materialistic ambitions were transformed into
a belief system of segregation & domination.
As anything else was dissected, separated & divided,
simple learning & teaching was transformed into an ‘Education System’
curriculums which have now become a demarcation line between:
– the Chosen-Ones and the Serfs,
– the Shepherds and the Sheep,
– the Righteous and the Sinners.
An Education system which is now serving as a selection process, putting everybody into his place
& roll by a sophisticated process of conditioning… – taking away the only freedom we have, the
free choice, – denying us priceless access to the abundance of life, just in order to manufacture
more ‘Productive Members of Society’; meaning, – creating a more or less ‘skilled’ workforce for the ‘Chosen-Ones’, Cannon Fodder for the Emperor, a commodity for the Banksters & Oligarchen of this World. This new ‘Divine Order’, mixed with the right amount of
egoism & shrewdness became the perfect solution for some
opportunists to create their new societies of Haves & Not-haves,
Bullies & Cowards, hypocrites & dummies, and finally an
Elite-in-Power vs. the People-in-Debt.
A new scientific discipline was born, – the Philosophy or a so-called ‘Love-for-Wisdom‘.
Concealed in a beautiful name, this was the right tool for the spiritual justifications of physical & mental & possession. Different Philosophies were created, – Strictly Religion, the divine Law & Order of Property for the cheep, the subdued, uneducated, ‘blue-collar’ cannon-fodder; – Theology & Atheism for the more ‘intelligent’ leaders & administrators of society; the ‘educated’ ‘experts’,
the professional politicians & scientists, just arguing in the good old dialectic fashion of this Linear paradigm about the
rights & wrongs of Law & Order – ‘Philosophies’ with secrete & esoteric knowledge for the high-society of the elite,
the celebrities of our culture. – Some new Philosophies just turned egoism into egotism where the empowered Self is
the center of the universe.
Most of their ‘valuable time’ is spend with justification & promotion of a certain order, formulating ethics about access & distribution of possessions; revising, fixing & correcting old theories, ripping down old, inefficient barriers, just to rebuild more & better new walls & containments… over & over again.
The real Love for Wisdom lost its vitality! Not offering any real solutions for the questions of today.
Most people got bored with the constant repetition of these theories & ideologies and eventually
turned to consumption. Now the issues around the entitlement to ‘Food & Entertainment’ keeps
the majority mentally & physically occupied. All the guilt & debt they accumulated through irresponsible
exploitation & destruction of their habitat – the ecosystems of this planet – keeps everybody enslaved.
Critical reflection & inquiry and how to pursue happiness in life is not part of our standard
education anymore. In the absence of these basic teachings, happiness was replaced
by ‘having fun & success’. An honest quest for belonging is answered by inexplicable rules
and senseless regulations.
A culture in a ‘Bubble-of-Illusions’ produces properly conditioned ‘members of society’;
People that believe in wealth & success through growth & expansion, that follow a
‘productive lifestyle’ with good deeds.
Teaching Lessons became Training Sessions !
A training system with sophisticated processes of reward & punishment, and ‘sink or swim’ choices,
are designed to condition our future generations to accept the idea of limitations & restrictions of
matter & mind, obeying the hierarchic law & order of the land.
Without wisdom there is no spirit, and Without spirit – life stands still.
Our Love for Wisdom arises from knowledge & experience, where a mental digestive process
includes everything from comparison & evaluation to free choice. Wisdom uses & cross-links all
disciplines of research and connects all processes of recognition & communication.
Together with psychology, the principles of philosophy govern all aspects of health & education,
commerce, science & technology.
Since humans are considered to be ‘Social Beings’, and Philosophy includes the study of the
relationship among all creation, those studies focus on the fundamental interactions in
human societies, – how we deal with our ‘fellow man’. Consequently, Philosophy is inseparable
from Psychology, Social-studies or Politics, – a true wholistic & integral approach to life.
the shape, format, & orientation of any organization we form is determined by the values &
ethics of all the individuals creating it. We should not forget that the dynamic & energy of this
new movement or organization is generated by the compilation of many ideas, dreams & visions.
A interactive process constantly adapting & changing, shaping & forming the individual wisdom
of the co-operant and their Collective Philosophy in Motion. This Dynamic is created by our
longing for life in Harmony & Balance with everything & everybody.
The awareness of all this is driven & fueled by our
Love for Wisdom or Philosophy in Motion…
“All Nature’s difference keeps all Nature’s peace.” Alexander Pope
I hear people say, “oh, I‘m not interested in politics”, forgetting and ignoring the fact that politics
starts right in the family and ends in global economics. From how we deal with our parents,
partner & kids to school, work or business, from our daily activities in church, clubs and
political parties to our interaction with pets, green spaces and natural environment, this is,
in some form or another, – politics. All of this is governed by our personal and collective beliefs,
our worldview (Weltbild), dreams & visions. This includes the whole spectrum of values,
ethics & morals, all created & designed by our philosophies.
‘This is the Place’ & Time where a real and fundamental change has to emerge.
Our ‘Love for Wisdom’ is the pivotal point where the ‘learning from Insight’ and
a ‘vision for the future’ meet, where the power of Imagination, Intuition & Inspiration
are transformed into new energies of Integration, Interaction & Incorporation…
– now becoming the co-creation & co-production of the future !
In philosophy, we find the essence of humanity, where awareness rises over the horizon
of subconsciousness. Philosophy is an ongoing process of Reasoning & Quest,
where the individual meets the collective.
Nothing is Finished, but Everything is Perfect.
Nothing is Complete,
but Everything is Completely Perfect,
– Perfectly Moving on…
just have a deep look and listen carefully…

Be Aware of those who charge you for Knowledge & Wisdom !
For mindful reflection & conversation feel free to contact me !